Terry at Seventeen

I have a little treasure box of mementos that I saved from high school.  There, with ticket stubs from football games and dried flowers that are now only crumbs, was a piece of notebook paper with this hand written on it.

“I’m seventeen and only just begun living.  There’s a lot ahead of me, good and bad.  But in the long run I think I’ll be happy.  This is because I believe the most important (thing) in life is my final outcome.  If I always try to do my best and what I truly believe is right; then I am successful. 

I have an insight or deep understanding for myself and other people.  I understand their feelings and why they act the way they do.  I am a very sensitive person and find it hard to hurt anybody intentionally.  I can’t keep the truth from people.  I feel guilty if I’m not honest. 

I have high standards and try not to change them or let them be influenced by others.  I have a strong will. 

I am open-minded and consider both sides of something before taking a stand.  I always want to learn new things and have a broad area of interests.  I am versatile and adaptable. 

I am generous and don’t demand things from others. 

I have strong morals.  I love people and life, but more important than anything, I know that none of this would be possible without God.

~ Terry Keefe, 1976″

Everything is different now, but nothing has changed.

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